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The button assembly on a limited number of 1.1” Omni Swivel Pulleys and associated variants may not be secure. If the button comes out the side plate can open, allowing the rope to fall out which can result in serious injury or death. It was discovered that a small number of pulleys manufactured from February 2020 through October 2022 may not have had adequate thread locker or sealant, allowing the set screw to back out. Under normal circumstances, either the thread lock or sealant is adequate to secure the button and prevent this issue.
Rock Exotica is issuing a recall for Omni Block 1.1” style pulleys, manufactured from February 2020 through October 2022. These pulleys must be returned to us for inspection / repair.
Rock Exotica is also issuing an inspection notice for all Omni Block style pulleys made from 2018 through October 2022. Pulleys can be inspected by the user / competent person, or if you are not comfortable doing the inspection, you can return it to us for inspection. Inspection criteria is detailed at the end of the document.
Additionally, as a reminder, all products should be inspected before and after each use. For Omni pulleys, the buttons and set screws should be a part of this inspection, along with checking for cracks / deformation / corrosion, the action of the side plate, sheave and swivel eye, bolts, and general condition. Accordingly, we are including supplementary information on checking the button set screws for earlier Omnis made before 2018.
Recall Notice for Omni 1.1” Pulley Variants, 20050xxx through 22304xxx: Stop Use, Remove from Service & Return to Rock Exotica
Follow these steps to determine if your Omni Pulley is subject to recall:
a) Verify the model number of your Omni Pulley as a 1.1” variant.
b) Find the serial number on your Omni Pulley.
c) IF the serial number falls on or within the range of 20050xxx to 22304xxx, then your Omni Pulley is subject to recall and must be returned to Rock Exotica. Follow the instructions on page 4 to return your pulley for inspection or repair.
d) All other pulleys must be inspected according to section 2 below.
Identifying Your Omni Pulley Model
Use the information below to identify your model, matching the correct part number along with the description.
Rock Exotica 1.1” Omni Variants
Part #, Description
P54 Omni-Block 1.1” (Single)
P54-B Omni-Block 1.1” (Single/Black)
P54 D Omni-Block 1.1” (Double)
P54 D-B Omni-Block 1.1” (Double/Black)
P54 SB-B Omni-Block 1.1” SwivaBiner Top Single/Black)
P54 D SB-B Omni-Block 1.1” SwivaBiner Top (Double/Black)
All other Rock Exotica Omni Models
P51 Omni-Block 1.5” (Single)
P51-B Omni-Block 1.5” (Single/Black)
P51 SH Omni-Block 1.5” Shackle Top
P51 SS Omni-Block 1.5” Stainless Steel Sheave
P51 D Omni-Block 1.5” (Double)
P51 D-B Omni-Block 1.5” (Double/Black)
P53 Omni-Block 2.0” (Single)
P53-B Omni-Block 2.0” (Single/Black)
P53 D Omni-Block 2.0” (Double)
P53 D-B Omni-Block 2.0” (Double/Black)
P55 Omni-Block 2.6” (Single)
P55-B Omni-Block 2.6” (Single Black)
MHP55 Omni-Rigging Block 2.6”
MHP58 Omni-Rigging Block 4.5”

Identifying Your Serial Number
The Recall dates span from February 2020 through October 2022 for the 1.1” Omni Pulley. The serial numbers that correspond are shown in the box below. Also shown below are the three possible locations of serial numbers on the back of the Omni.
20050xxx to 22304xxx
*If you have any questions about whether your serial number falls within this period, please contact us at

Inspection Notice for Omni Pulleys from 2018 through February 2020: Inspect Before Next Use
Follow these steps:
a) Identify the location of the set screw(s) on your Omni Pulley.
b) Compare the images in the inspection criteria to your pulley.
c) Follow the inspection instructions to determine if you are required to return your pulleys for additional inspection by Rock Exotica and repair if necessary.
If you are not comfortable doing the inspection, you may return your device(s) to us and we can perform the inspection for you. See details on returning your device for inspection on page 4.
Inspection Evaluation (from 2018 to current)
The inspection criteria below apply to Omni Pulleys manufactured from about 2018 to the current date. The serial number corresponding to this period begins at 18001xxx.

Brownish / Yellowish
Sealant is even with or slightly below surface.

White / Grey
Sealant is slightly below, even with or above surface.

No Sealant

Brownish / Yellowish
Sealant is above surface.

Inspection Evaluation (prior to 2018)
The inspection criteria below apply to Omni Pulleys manufactured prior to 2016. The serial number corresponding to this period includes all manufacture dates on or prior to 15365xxx.
Omni-Blocks prior to about 2016 were made in a slightly different manner. The button set screw has thread lock but no sealant on top of it. The correct position of the set screw is the same as all later Omni’s – it should be slightly below the surface (see pictures). Inspect and if yours is not below the surface, please return it and we will repair it.
Just like all Omni’s, this must be part of the inspection before and after each use. To make future inspection easier and for extra security, we recommend you add epoxy on top of the set screw. Standard two-part epoxy suitable for metal is available at hardware stores (follow manufacturer’s instructions). Simply clean the area of dirt or grease, etc., cover the set screw with epoxy and wipe the excess so the epoxy is about level with the Omni body. A little high or low is okay, but make sure the set screw is covered. Wait for the epoxy to cure, check that it is hard, and you are done.
Note: If you are not comfortable doing this yourself, you can send us your Omni and we’ll do it and return it to you. See details on returning your device for inspection on page 4.

Approx. 2016 – 2018 White / Grey
Sealant is slightly below, even with or above surface.

2016 & Prior Years
Set screw even with surface or slightly below.

Set screw above surface

MHP58-Specific Evaluation
The inspection criteria below refers only to the MHP58, Material-Handling 4.5” Omni, of any date range.

Sealant is Present
Sealant is slightly below, even with or above surface.

No Sealant